Young Ambassador 2020
Emily Grace
Supported by the Lions Club of Jersey

Emily is pictured here with District Governor Jarvis Macdonald.
Congratulations to Emily Grace on becoming our Young Ambassador for 2020. The District Finals were held in Bournemouth in January. The Judges were unanimous in their decision to recommend Emily to go forward to the Multiple District Finals to be held in Dudley in February. She goes with our full support and best wishes.
Emily, 17, is a Year 11 student studying A levels in Biology, Chemistry & History, intending to study medicine. She is Grade 8 in Ballet, is working to Grade 3 in Tap-dancing, and is a clarinettist Grade 6 in the school orchestra. She swims regularly, for which she has a teaching qualification.
She has worked with the after-school club, part of her silver D of E, and volunteers with Radio Lions and St John's Ambulance.
Her most challenging work was with the International Women's Academy in Ghana. Taking her own sustainable project for the community to continue, she gave 100 hand-made re-usable sanitary pads for prototypes, ensuring the women could use a clean product rather than old clothes. The group created a library area and started First-aid instruction. She continues to fund-raise for IWA, as this community in Africa holds a special place in her heart.
Emily says she is delighted to be representing The Lions Club of Jersey and District 105SC.
Yorky Tuke
Young Ambassador Officer 105SC